Elements vs Animal Flow

Wondering how Elements and Animal Flow are different? We get asked this a lot!

Animal Flow emphasizes 3 contralateral movements - Ape, Beast, and Crab - with a total of26 exercises stemming from those. It’s taught as a series of movements that can be chained together. The videos provide good cueing of the exercise technique, and give a good basis for creating your own program. We highly recommend Animal Flow as a complement to your movement practice.

Elements emphasizes 4 primary locomotive movements, but it includes 43 sessions with day-by-day instruction. The Animal Flow team often recommends Elements as a starting point for locomotive training.

Basically the two programs have different goals: 

If you’re looking for a program you can follow, with an end point, Elements is a great introduction to movement training and will give you a foundation of strength, flexibility, and motor control. 

If you’re looking to take your practice further and create your own movement flows, Animal Flow gives you the tools to do so.

You can listen to Ryan and Mike talk about how these programs are structured and how to decide which one is best for your goals, here. :)

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